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This area will be dedicated to all of the hard-working brides that celebrate their important day at Astoria World Manor. We do not cater to the Trump family and the like, who are ready, willing, and able to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for their fairy tale wedding at the most exclusive Banquet Halls. We cater to the people that work for Trump and the like, as well as teachers, soldiers, firemen and policemen. Are they not entitled to have their dream wedding at an affordable cost? We maintain our elegance while offering affordable prices. Our customers come from Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, or Long Island, among others, just to take advantage of our unique combination of extravagant ballrooms, fine international cuisine, excellent service, and bottom-line pricing.
Today, we are having a wedding for one of the sweetest brides you could ever meet. We will call her "A". Whether we have two weeks, two months or two years to prepare, we can make your dream wedding come true. However, we need help from our customers. Based on Bride A, as well as many others, we have come up with some tips to make your wedding day go as smooth as possible.
1) Ask your questions before you leave any money down: Write down a list of questions of the things you are curious about. I promise you we will take the time to answer each of them. We may not come up with the answer that you want to hear, but we will be honest from the beginning. This business survives on reputation and recommendation. It is better to have all of your worries put at ease before your wedding than be surprised on your wedding day.
2) Come to our food tasting: Why not? There are over 100 items on our menu, we will not have them all available, but you will definitely get to sample a lot of them. You will also get to sample our service. So, to put your mind at ease, at the end of the day, you can go into your wedding process with a comfort level about the quality of the food, the quality of the service, and price you are paying. You have plenty of concerns about your wedding day. Why not put several of these questions to rest before you have any real obligation.
3) Stick to your guest list. Not everyone has gone through the experience of being married. Not everyone knows that you will be charged by chair. Not everyone is considerate of the stress level that you will experience. Our advice is to come up with your guest list and don't let anyone add to it. You will have cousins that want their friend to come. You will have mothers that want to invite everyone from work. You will have friends that come out of the woodwork. Nothing can make a budget explode more than a ballooning guest list.
4) Stay on top of your RSVPs. Set a deadline for your RSVPs and remind everyone again of the deadline. There is nothing more annoying than having a friend or an entire family show up on your day that you didn't expect. It may seem rude. Or it may seem pushy. But there is nothing wrong with giving your guest that did not respond a call to confirm whether they are coming. Flights or work may interfere with some of these people not responding until the last minute, but I guarantee that you will find someone that says, "Oh, I'm definitely coming. I just forgot to send the card in."
5) Leave as little as possible to do for your last week before the wedding. With relatives coming, fittings to attend, rehearsals to plan, and just general running around, your last week is going to be hectic. There is always something that comes up. The less you have to do, the less stress you are going to have. You are going to be pulled in 10 different directions. No amount of breathing exercises is going to help that. But the less you leave for the final week, the better.
These are 5, stay tuned for 5 more....
Photos from our non-Bridezilla:
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